
Couponing Exposed!!!

Okay, you have been warned!!! This is a look into my most private stash....It is a little embarassing...Only really close and personal family members have previously been invited to see this...

Yes, that is right it is all contained in a 3" zippered binder, expanded to the limit....

Can you say excessive and exhaustive...

Can you say, this woman definitely has issues?!? Categorized perfectly....

My massive haul of 10 flyers with the amazingly coveted Farmland meat coupons....my family will definitely be tired of pork products by Fall....

Realistically, it is helpful, but to coupon to this level, takes quite abit of your time. Clipping, organizing and staying on top of things. Currently, I could probably spend about 8 hours clipping and organizing. I am way behind on getting organized....

The truth is in the matter. I have taken our grocery bill/home items from over $400 per month in March down to just $140 for the month of July, and that was accomplished only through the use of coupons, smarter shopping and stockpiling.


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